Today it is a year ago that i had my accident, i was run over by a car backing out of a drive way, she did not see me and left her car standing on my foot while i fell over my bike and my postal-bags, well seen doctors and been to hospital, x rays showed no broken bones everything was going to be alright it just needed time. now i have CRPS type 1 as a result of the trauma during the accident, not so good.Today i have a checkup at the pain clinic and next month i will be starting in a rehabilitation team. Procedures done up until now do not give improvement, so waiting and hoping and praying for the best possible outcome.
I have had anger and sadness and even hatred towards that woman that hit me, it took me some time to get over that and maybe i am not yet there, i still feel fear when i see a car backing up from a parking lot, those reversing lights give me panic and i scream when i am in the car and other cars come to close.
The CRPS is progressing from the foot into the lower leg, it's the pain and mostly the burn and the just not being able to be touched on my foot and leg that is very hard, sometime it is all to much socks, shoes, trousers, blankets, the mattress the touch it all hurts. Sleeping is very hard because i wake up a zillion times a night, so you are tried all day and all night.
I am keeping a positive attitude that is all i can do right now, and forgive but i well never forget!